Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Lefty Loosey - Righty Tighty

Lefty Loosey and Righty Tighty
  are my two newest wall hangings.
The titles come from an old mechanic's saying.
When someone was unsure which way to turn a screw, the
mechanic would say "lefty loosey, righty tighty"

Lefty - Loosey
Righty - Tighty

These two pieces prominently feature tools that turn-
wrenches, screwdrivers, drill bits, etc.

Detail  -  Lefty-Loosey

Detail  -  Righty-Tighty

They are on the larger side, measuring 24" in diameter by 40" in height.

Monday, September 1, 2014


Created from objects found and collected on the highways of southern New Jersey,
comporre` is a sculpture that presents a compelling vision.

The heavy center piece, 
combined with the attached chain, 
(just as it was found), evokes a sense of strength.
The circle attempts to keep that strength within bounds,
but the chain escapes those bounds and roots the entire piece to the earth.

Suitable for indoor or outdoor display,
indoor is preferred.

It has not been coated or sealed in any way.
All the components are in their found condition,
except for some sharp edges that have been removed.


The chain is free to move and can be rearranged to create a variety of views.