Saturday, December 17, 2011


The American Way

We recently observed the 70th anniversary of
the bombing of Pearl Harbor and America's
entry into World War Two. The thing that struck
me about this was how quickly the American people
answered the call to arms. Overnight the
American people got to work and built a
military force second to none. This was not
an easy task, but Americans have never
failed to rise to the occasion. Hard work is
what built this country into the world's
leading industrialized civilization.

Let's Work Together

Sadly, this once great nation has turned
her back on what made her so great.
Today the labor and sweat of past generations
seems something to be avoided at all
costs. Manual labor is something to
be shipped offshore or something
associated with only those poor
souls who have to settle less.

 I have created a new series of sculpture
that I am calling America. These sculptures
are designed to reflect the glory that once
was America. These pieces will pay homage
to all those who built this country with their
hard work. They have left behind a legacy
that cannot be forgotten.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

My Favorite Fans

Last Saturday night I was at the Caught
Unawares Art Show at the Cherry Hill
Public Library. It was a very nice show,
and I had the opportunity to meet and
talk with many people who were intrigued
by my art..

The highlight of my evening, however was
my conversation with a young lady who is
currently in kindergarten. She was truly
fascinated by my work. We chatted for about
a 1/2 hour. She wanted to know how I was
able to stick the metal together without glue.
It wasn't enough to know that I welded it
together, she had to know what 'welding'
was and how it worked. She scrutinized
each piece, looking for familiar objects,
and wanted to know what the unfamiliar
ones were. Her youthful enthusiasm and
candor were the highlight of my evening.

 I have found as I go from show to show
that children are some of my biggest fans.
They want to linger and explore my
sculpture long after their parents have had
a quick look and are ready to keep moving
so that they can fit everything in and still be
on time to their next appointment.

 Thank God for children. They can teach
us all some important lessons. It's not
enough for them to just stop and smell the
roses. They want to know what makes them
smell so good, how they grow, why they have
thorns, and why don't they have any growing
in their backyards.

So, here's to my young friends and fans.
May your sense of wonder never dim and
keep after us older folks to stoop down
and see the world from your perspective.