Tuesday, March 29, 2011

More Outdoor Sculpture

Towers #1

Here are a few more outdoor pieces
to get the spring landscaping ideas
going. All of these pieces have a
protective coating to make them
suitable for outdoors.



Diamond and Lace

These are all older pieces with the exception of
Annapurna. More about that piece in a later post.

Also, I have two shows coming up soon. I will
post more about them soon.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring is Here, Think Outdoors

Portal 5.1

With the arrival of Spring, it is time to
get outdoors and enjoy the beautiful
weather. This winter really seemed to
take its toll on one's spirits. After a
seemingly endless wait, the time has
come to revel in the glory of our
backyards, patios and gardens.
It's time to trade those parkas for
T-shirts,snow shovels for garden
spades, and hot cocoa for iced tea.
 So it is with the spirit of renewal
that I am posting some photos of
outdoor sculptures to jump start
the season.


Black Flowers
Bee Line

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today is the Day

Hanging Chain #1
Well, It's finally here. The first day of my first solo show.
I've spent the last two days transporting everything and
setting up. I didn't realize how many pieces I had. Maybe
I shouldn't have taken so much. We'll see..


I have been getting some complimentary comments from
other artists as I've been setting up. So that is encouraging.

So, on with the show!

For show info, please see my previous post.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Over time, I have amassed quantities of chain. I wanted
to incorporate some of this chain into a few of my
sculptures. The question that I faced was how to use it.
I have seen many sculptures using chain where the links
have been welded to make the chain rigid. I've also
seen chain used primarily as just a mechanism to hang
a piece, not really used as an integral part of the

Hanging Chain #1

What I ended up doing was to put these approaches
out of my mind and just grab a few lengths of chain and
go at it. After several false starts, I came up with several
designs that I thought worked. I believe that I have used

Hanging Chain #2
 the chain in a new and original way.


 I still have much more chain and anticipate using more

 of it in new and exciting designs.
Assembly #1

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Latest Pieces


Fresh from my Millvillle show, and all the
excitement that accompanied it, I've been
inspired to create several new pieces.

The first piece, which was actually in the
planning stages before the show, and I had
hoped to have ready to take with me, is titled
'Objective'. It is created from pieces of metal
found on the roadsides on South Jersey. The
circular shapes are actually the bottom of the
skid plates from a snow plow. I came upon them
as the snow was melting after on of the season's
early snowstorms.
To me, it represents the struggle to achieve our
goals and objectives, as signified by the hole in the
center, the target, if you will. There are also some
very sharp, jagged edges, typifying the snags which
deter us from achieving the 'Objective'.

The second piece is titled 'Winter'. There is no great
 mystery here. The shapes are representative of a
stark woodland in the depths of winter. It was a fun
piece to make, and upon finishing it, i must say that I
am more than ready for 'Winter' to be over and for
Spring to arrive.

I have a few more pieces in the works and will
 post them soon.