at yogawood show |
May will be a very busy month for
me as I will be participating in three
different shows.
On Saturday, May 14, I will have a solo
show in Collingswood, NJ. This show will
be in conjunction with 'Second Saturday'.
Second Saturday is a monthly event in
at yogawood show |
Collingswood that invites people out for a
night of live music, art, shopping, and
dining. Events are held along Haddon Ave.,
both indoors and out.
My show will be held at Yogawood.
Yogawood is a yoga studio that I will transform
into an art gallery for the night. I will have a
wine and cheese reception, and will be presenting
many new works along with some older ones. I
will also have some of my small garden pieces
for sale.
The information for the Yogawood show is:
688 Haddon Avenue
Collingswood, NJ 08108
May 14, 2011
Wrenched #1
at yogawood show |
6-9 pm
For more info, click on the link below
Second Saturday Collingswood
Also on May 14, the Media Arts Council, of
Media, PA will host the opening reception of
their annual 'This Space 4 Rent' art exhibit.
This in an event where they take a vacant
downtown building and convert it into an
art gallery for a week long show.
Euphoria #4
at Media Show |
I have been invited to exhibit 5 pieces in
this show.
The show runs from May 14- 20. The
information for this show is:
May 14- 20, 2011
300 W. State Street
Media , PA
Hours: Sat. 6-9 pm
Tues-Thur 12- 2 pm
Thur- Fri 5-8 pm
Friday night will also be the closing
I will be at the media show on Thur.
and Fri. evenings.
Form more info, click on the link below
at Media show |
Media Arts Council
The third show in which I will be
participating will be in Moorestown, NJ.
On Sun. May 22, Perkins Center For The
Euphoria #3
at Perkins show |
Arts will host the opening reception for
their annual faculty and members art
exhibition. I have 1 piece entered in
this show.
The information for the Perkins show is:
Perkins Center For The Arts
395 Kings Highway
Moorestown, NJ 08057
May 22- June 19, 2011
Opening Reception- May 22 1-4 pm
Exhibit will be open during regular center hours.
For more information click on the link below.
Perkins Center For The Arts